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Meet Our Team

We are a family owned business. We love Ice Cream! 

We want to take a moment here to thank all of our customers! It has been a pleasure serving you and your guests the last 2 seasons.


We also wanted to give you some information about Mister Softee of Morris County:


1. There is NO other ice cream truck in New Jersey that can bring back fond memories of your younger days than Mister Softee. When you see a Mister Softee truck, it does something to you, it’s does something for your soul. People see the truck and hear the jingle, and it evokes a positive/feel good emotion that no other truck can do.I hear it all the time. People love nostalgia and guess what? No one does it better than Mister Softee! 

2.Our prices include NJ tax. When we quote you a price that’s the price, not a price plus tax. 

3. We Never add gratuity! Some do. Our philosophy is, a gratuity is earned not expected. If you decide to tip, that’s totally up to you. We don’t just add it to your bill. 

4. We are booking parties/events till mid November. 


Book now at or call us 856 673 9705. 

Thank you!

Tim, Baby Tristan and Shawn

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